14 July 2023


Food poisoning is a sickness that causing patients suffer of vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and other symptoms.   Man suffers of food poisoning due to consuming contaminated food.  Some people recovered from food poisoning soon but some people die of food poisoning. 

There are 3 kinds of food contaminations - Physical, chemical and microbiology contamination. Physical contamination occurs when food is contaminated with thing which we can see, such as hair, pest, staples, button, accessories etc.  Some physical substance carrying microbe and contaminate the food too.  For instance, when human hair dropped on the food, the hair, it is likely the food would be also be contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus.  Chemical contamination occurs when the food is stained by chemical like detergent, pesticide, sanitizers or any other chemical. Microbiological contamination is the contamination with microbes (living things which we can see only with microscope). Bacteria is one of the common microbes that causing food contamination.  

Our body has immunity system that can protect ourselves from any harmful inhaled substances. This system responses to contaminants by resulting vomiting, diarrhoea and fever in order to remove the contaminant from the body.   These reactions help to clean the body condition.  However, in some cases, people suffer serious condition or even died of food poisoning.  For example, people will get Typhoid infection when they consumed food which is contaminated by Salmonella typii. These bacteria will cause intestine inflammation and the patient would die if no immediate medication.  People with low immunity, like pregnant women, patients, old folks and kids are likely to suffer serious food poisoning when they consume contaminated food.  Other than vomit, diarrhoea, fever, there is other food poisoning symptoms including nausea, constipation, no appetite, weak and so on.  

Food poisoning case will result huge negative impact in food business. When health officers received report that many customers suffered food poisoning as the result of consuming contaminated food, the health officers will initiate investigation. They had the right to take samples on the suspected food and send to government designed laboratories for food safety analysis. When the laboratory results confirmed the food is contaminated, the officers will take legal actions against food owners. The officer would also, cited Section 11 of Food Act 1983, to order food business owner to stop operating food business for a period of not exceeding 14 days, if they checked the premise is dirty, especially when there is pest infestation in the kitchen. This would probably ruin the business reputation. 

Maintaining clean food premise and leading food handlers’ team to prepare and handling food correctly are the good initiatives to prevent food poisoning. Every food handler plays important roles in the business.  Therefore, it is essential to organize trainings for food handlers.  Weekly meeting, review and routine check on food handling helps to improve food hygiene and food safety of the food business. 

Food poisoning is a serious incident that could cause business loss.  The food handler team should have awareness about it. When every food handler is familiar and practicing correct food handling, such incident can be avoid. 


Jacky Chung
Food Handling course trainer



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